The Bromley 0 to 19 Children’s Public Health Service has a dedicated website full of useful information as well as clinic details and an online chat function:
Our Health Visitors provide a series of health checks starting with an antenatal contact, and give advice and support about child development and growth, healthy eating, physical activity, emotional wellbeing and immunisations.
Our School Nurses provide support to children and young people as they grow and develop. School Nurses are qualified nurses or midwives who have completed further training. Each Bromley school has a named School Nurse who provides advice to children and young people about healthy living.
If you would like to get in touch with either the Health Visiting or School Nursing teams for Bromley please call 0300 330 5777 or email: bromh.bromley0to19@nhs.net. Calls may be recorded for training and quality purposes. To find out more, visit Personal information – Bromley Healthcare.
To find out more about this service visit bromley0to19.co.uk
Health Support for Schools
Our School Health Advisors work closely with each school to:
Take an overview of the health needs of the children and young people in the school
Provide expert advice to the school on health needs
Undertake risk assessments of each school’s ability to protect the health of their children and young people
Support schools to develop appropriate Quality Assurance processes for health in schools
Support schools in the development and maintenance of Individual Health Care Plans (IHCPs)
Identify health training needs of staff in schools and agree training plan with each school
Work with the Safeguarding team to keep pupils with health conditions safe, manage risk and reduce harm
Identify key health issues in schools
Primary School Screening
National Child Measurement Programme
The National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) involves the annual measurement of the height and weight of children in reception year and year 6 in all state-maintained primary and middle schools. All local authorities have a responsibility to deliver the NCMP. Over one million children participate in the national programme each year and it is regarded as a world-class source of information. In Bromley the programme is delivered, on behalf of the London Borough of Bromley, by our Bromley Primary School Screening team.
Your child’s school will let you know when your child is due to take part in the programme. If you don’t wish your child to be measured, you will have the opportunity to opt out of the screening. Children can also choose to opt out on the day.
Following the Primary School Screening team’s visit to your child’s school, the data for children in reception and year 6 classes is entered on to the NCMP IT system which calculates the child’s BMI centile, taking into account their weight, height, sex and age. This is the best measure we have of whether a child is a healthy weight. We then send a letter to parents, letting them know whether their child is a healthy weight, underweight, overweight or very overweight.
Measurements are confidential. We do not tell children or school staff individual children’s results. It is the parents’ choice whether the result is shared with their child.
National evaluation and research in relation to the programme have consistently shown that parents want to receive their child’s NCMP results, and that providing this information is an effective way to raise awareness. It also gives parents the opportunity to seek further advice and support if they want it.
School satisfaction with the Bromley programme in the last academic year was 97%.
Please contact the Bromley Primary School Screening service if you have any questions about the NCMP in Bromley or wish to discuss your child’s results.