You can refer yourself to some of our services without needing a GP referral
You can refer yourself to some of our services in Bromley:
- Bladder and Bowel
- Dietitians
- Podiatry
- Special Care Dental (Housebound patients only)
- Speech and Language Therapy
- Bromley Talking Therapies
Children and young people
How to refer yourself:
1. Read the information on the service page to check that you are eligible for referral.
2. Call 0300 330 5777 or email with the following information:
- which service you would like to refer to and why.
- full contact details including your name, date of birth and a contact telephone number.
Who can refer:
- You must be a Bromley resident.
- You must be new to the service you are referring to.
- You can refer someone on their behalf, such as an adult you care for or your child.
- No GP referral is needed to access these services.
- If you have previously had an appointment with a service, please follow the instructions from your last visit.
Download the posters:
Please note that self-referral is only available for certain services at this time. We hope to expand this in the future.
For more NHS services you can refer yourself to locally, click here: Take control of your healthcare campaign leaflet.